Difference between autobiography and autoethnography as method
Difference Between Autoethnography and Autobiography
In order to tell the story of one’s life, there are a few methods. Creating an autobiography is one way to tell the story of one’s life. Another word is autoethnography, which is a bit less prevalent. What is the Difference Between Autoethnography and Autobiography, and how can you tell the difference while reading someone’s life story?
Autobiography, as a word, is a self-written biography; it is the account of one’s own life. Autoethnography, as an adjective, refers to a piece of writing (book or essay) of one’s own ethnic origin. Also, having an autoethnography focused on one’s own life is a process of documenting it for the purpose of preserving it.
Autoethnography is a term that refers to the practice of writing about one’s own ethnic origins, culture, and personal experiences within a cultural context. Due to its technique and information about locations and individuals, it is classified as a research paper. It’s mor
As I noted in my post ‘Inspirational People‘, bygd chance, one day gods week inom saw posts on social media about two new articles which I decided to read that day. The brev ‘Inspirational People’ was related to one of the articles, ‘Into the Shimmering Void‘ bygd Maud Rowell. This brev is about the other article – ‘Japan, the Ambiguous, and My Fragile, Complex and Evolving Self‘ by Linus Hagström.
The abstract about the article is as follows,
This essay takes literature laureate Kenzaburo Oe’s Nobel lecture from 1994, Japan, the Ambiguous, and Myself, as a point of departure for thinking about Japan, the ambiguous and how the already fragile and complex narrator that is I has evolved ambiguously over time in relation to a similarly ambiguous and changing imagination of Japan. Based on aikido practice—the narrator’s gateway to Japan—the essay ends up proposing a different understanding of and approach to ambiguity to Oe’s.
Autoethnography as method
Methodology of Autoethnography
Various methodological strategies of autoethnography have been developed in a variety of qualitative research traditions and listed under different names (Ellis & Bochner 2000, p. 740). The list of the names is also extensive according to these authors. Regardless of different origins and representations, all the methodological strategies share the commonality of being the qualitative, "narrative inquiry" (Clandinin and Connelly 2000).
Some are more ethnographic than others in terms of its ethnographic intent and research process. The autobiographic inquires with the ethnographic orientation are the ones I focus on in this chapter.
Like ethnography, autoethnography pursues the ultimate goal of cultural understanding underlying autobiographical experiences. To achieve this ethnographic intent, autoethnographers undergo the usual ethnographic research process of data collection, data analysis/interpretation, an