Sergeant major kasal biography of abraham

  • Blank, USMC In this story from the Marine Corps Gazette archives, an officer describes his experience as a student at the Marine Officers'.
  • My Men Are My Heroes by Brad Kasal.
  • This book is a journey through Brad Kasal's life and through the streets of Fallujah, into the 'house of hell' to rescue his pinned down Marines.

  • My Men Are My Heroes

    The Brad Kasal Story

    -as told to Nathaniel R Helms

    When Brad Kasal was carried out of the 'house of hell' in Fallujah by LCpl Chris Marquez and LCpl Dan Shaffer, on Novemver 13, 2004, he had lost approximately 60 percent of his blood from more that 40 shrapnel wounds and seven 7.62mm AK-47 gunshots. The men had to put down their weapons to carry Kasal out, but Kasal came out armed, ready to protect them if need be. Lucian M Reed, an AP photographer, took the above photo which has become a symbol of the perservetance, heroism, valor, honor and fortitude of the United States Marine Corps and the rest of our military troops.

    This book is a journey through Brad Kasal's life and through the streets of Fallujah, into the 'house of hell' to rescue his pinned down Marines. It is also an insight into the mind of a leader of men, a warrior, a Marine. The section dealing with the assault on Fallujah and the time in the 'house of hell' gave me sweaty palms

    Records of the Army Staff (Record Group 319)

    Investigative Records Repository (IRR)
    Personal Name Files, 1939-1976

    Where to find these files:: National Archives in College Park, Maryland, in 270/84/01/01 - 270/84/19/07.

    Box # Last Name First Name File Number Note
    1 ABASLON Gunther XE012414
    1 ABBOTT Samuel W. X4000096
    1 ABE Den XA500009
    1 ABE Hiroshi XA536005
    1 ABE Itaru XA536008
    1 ABE Koichi XA536011
    1 ABE Tadaichi XA500062
    1 ABE Yoshiko G8165293
    1 ABE Yoshimi XA500077
    1 ABE Yoshio XA536026
    1 ABEGG Lily Hermine XA500085
    1 ABEL Karl DE377119
    10 ALBRECHT Karl L. XE131670
    10 ALBRECHT Otto XE176035
    10 ALBRECHT Siegfried HE09
  • sergeant major kasal biography of abraham
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