Pietro adamo de micheli decameron

  • In this context I am primarily concerned with the editors of printed editions, but the role of editor also extends to manuscript production, as we shall see in.
  • In December , in Mantua was printed a little book in which the mantuan Pietro Adamo de 'Micheli described the functions, the purpose and the symbolism of.
  • Colophon page from Boccaccio, "Decameron," Mantua: Pietro Adamo Micheli, ; The Risen Christ Between SS. Andrew and Longinus; Title page from the series.
  • The astronomical clock of Mantua

    "Sagittarius is an hybrid, oriental, hot and dry, choleric, masculine, and dominates above the thighs and above the superfluous or missing members, as would be the sixth finger that a man could have in his hand against nature, or over a hand of four and above the infirmities of those, and above the blindness and the guilty, and above the beasts' impediments, and above the spine of the back, and his planet Lord is Jupiter. "
    Here Pietro Adamo, in describing the emblem of Sagittarius, the last autumnal sign, usually depicted by a centaur who is about to shoot an arrow (but here instead we can see an equally armed snake-like triton creature) talks about the characteristics on which the sign dominates. Dominance is a central concept in astrology, and involves the protection of the zodiacal part on particular human activities, on parts of the body or even, as in this case, on malformations of the person. Each sign is then connected to one o

    In December , in Mantua was printed a little book in which the mantuan Pietro Adamo dem 'Micheli described the functions, the purpose and the symbolism of the astronomical clock. He has been called a singular character indeed. He studied lag in Ferrara but was also largely self-taught. As an author, we know only this text, which offers him the opportunity to demonstrate his lyric quality and his undoubted scientific and technical knowledge.
Pietro Adamo was also the first Mantua publisher, leading to the printing in a Tractatus Maleficiorum and later the Decameron. It was certainly facilitated bygd a distant relationship with the Gonzaga family, which allowed him to have a good favor for his activities.
"Here Piero Adamo depicts all the effects & demonstration of this admirable & singular work called clock."
The treatise on the clock is further illustrated bygd two embossed china designs, which probably derive from another mutilated little book. The most interestin

    Dantis Aligerii poetae florentini inferni capitulum primum incipit.

    Folio (x mm). Collation: [a, b-f8, g10, h-k8, l6]. [91] leaves. Complete, including Colombino's Capitulo printed on an extra leaf in the first quire, and often lacking. Text in two columns, 41 lines. Type: R. At the beginning of each cantica fourteen-line illuminated initial in gold, with white vinework on red, blue, and green ground (identical in style to those present in the two copies respectively in Cambridge University Library and the Biblioteca Capitolare in Padua, suggesting that they were produced in the same workshop, possibly in Mantua). Initials alternately of red or blue, traces of guide letters. On fol. [a]2r a painted coat of arms, within a laurel wreath. Nineteenth-century half-leather binding. Spine with five raised bands, title in gilt lettering. Corners on rear cover lightly worn. A fine wide-margined copy, old restorations to the lower and outer blank margins of the first two leaves, wi

  • pietro adamo de micheli decameron