Biography about rosemary wells
Rosemary Wells, artist
“I don’t know when inom realized inom wanted to be a children’s writer. I wrote the stories I wanted to write. It happens to be the röst I have.” Rosemary Wells’s voice fryst vatten Max who desperately wants a dragon shirt instead of a new pair of pants; it’s also Edward who’s afraid to take off his vatten wings at a swim party or go to pre-school; it’s Yoko whose friends tease her about the sushi in her lunch box; and it’s Shy Charles who trembles at the thought of meeting other children.
Wells comes from a family devoted to the arts. Her mother danced for the Russian Ballet and her father was a playwright and an actor. She remembers her house being “filled with books, dogs and 19th century music. ..When inom was two years old I began to draw and my family saw right away the career that lay ahead of me and encouraged me every day of my life. As far back as inom can remember, I did nothing but draw.”
Now, Wells writes or draws eight hours a day. The ideas and images for her pict
Rosemary was born in New York City and raised on the New Jersey shore. She grew up in a home that was always filled with books, dogs, classical music, and other things her parents held in great esteem.
Speaking about her youth, Rosemary recalls, “New Jersey was farm country and I spent much of my time outdoors, running around the woods behind our house and playing baseball with the neighbor’s kids.
I spent a lot of time with animals, horses, and dogs. My grandmother took me on special trips to the theater and museums in New York City. I was born during a golden age of childhood in our country’s history. And, I was lucky because my parents were happy and they supported all that I wanted to do. They had both been in the theater and understood the arts from the inside. We had a houseful of wonderful books. Reading stories aloud was as much a part of my childhood as the air I breathed.”
At two years old Rosemary began to draw. When she was not outdoors, she was always drawing. At nin
Rosemary Wells (1943-) Biography
Born 1943, in New York, NY; Education: Attended Boston Museum School and a small private junior college (now defunct) in New York State. Religion: "Nominal Episcopalian."
Allyn and Bacon, Inc., Boston, MA, art editor; Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, NY, art designer; freelance author and illustrator, 1968—. Also worked at various jobs, including buyer of women's shoes and accessories Rosemary Wells for a clothing store. Founder, with Susan Jeffers, of book design studio, New York, NY, early 1970s. Speaker for national literacy campaign "Twenty Minutes a Day," beginning 1994; founder of "Read to Your Bunny" campaign (part of "Prescription for Reading" program), 1998. Exhibitions: American Institute of Graphic Arts Children's Book shows.
Honors Awards
Honor Book citation, Book World Spring Children's Book Festival, 1972, for The Fog Comes on Little Pig Feet; Children's Book Showcase Award, Children's Book Counc