Joachim c fest biography

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  • Fest, Joachim C. 1926-

    PERSONAL: Born December 8, 1926, in Berlin, Germany; son of Johannes and Elisabeth (Straeter) Fest; married Ingrid Ascher, 1959; children: Alexander, Nicolaus. Education: Attended University of Freiburg, 1948-49, University of Frankfurt, 1949-51, University of Berlin, 1951-53. Religion: Roman Catholic.

    ADDRESSES: Offıce—Gartenstrasse 11, D-61476 Kronberg, Germany.

    CAREER: Editor, historian, publisher, and writer. Rundfunk im amerikanischen Sektor, Berlin, Germany, editor, 1953-61; Norddeutscher Rundfunk-TV, Hamburg, Germany, editor, 1961-63, editor-in-chief, 1963-68; freelance writer, 1968-73; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, publisher and editing director, 1973-93. Visiting professor, University of Heidelberg, 1993.

    MEMBER:Max Planck Society (senator), Deutsch Nationalstiftung (senator).

    AWARDS, HONORS: Thomas Wolf prize, 1971; Thomas Dehler prize, 1973; Thomas Mann prize, 1981; honorary doctorate, Uni

    Spartacus Educational

    Primary Sources

    (1) Joachim Fest, Not I: Memoirs of a German Childhood (2006)

    In March 1938... German troops crossed the border into Austria beneath billowing flags and crowds lined the streets cheering and throwing flowers. Sitting by the wireless we heard the shouted Heil!s, the songs and the rattle of the tanks, while the commentator talked about the craning necks of the jubilant women, some of whom even fainted.

    It was yet another blow for the opponents of the regime, although my father, like Catholics in general, and the overwhelming majority of Germans and Austrians, thought in terms of a greater Germany, that is, of Germany and Austria as one nation. For a long time he sat with the family in front of the big Saba radio, lost in thought, while in the background a Beethoven symphony played. "Why does Hitler succeed in almost everything?" he pondered. Yet a feeling of satisfaction predominated, although once again he was indignant at the for

    His father worked as a high school superintendent. During high school, the family moved to Freiburg, where Fest took his high school diploma. After the end of the war, he began studying law, history, sociology, German and art history at the University of Freiburg. Fest then continued his studies at the universities of Frankfurt/Main and Berlin (West), completing them in 1953. During his time studying in Berlin, Fest joined the Junge Union, which he temporarily led in the Neukölln district of Berlin. He was also a CDU representative for this district. After completing her studies, Fest initially turned to journalism. He joined the Berlin radio station RIAS, where he worked as an editor for political and contemporary historical matters. In 1961, Fest moved to Hamburg to work as chief dramaturge at NDR. He also served as deputy head of the main television drama department.

    Two years later, Fest was promoted to editor-in-chief and head of the main current affairs department at the s

  • joachim c fest biography