Kathe koja biography of mahatma gandhi
The Raw Feed series on this classic alternate history anthology series continues.
Raw Feed (1991): What Might Have Been, Volume 2: Alternate Heroes, eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg, 1990.
“A Sleep and a Forgetting”, Robert Silverberg — Anothery story by the very prolific Silverberg using his historical knowledge. Here Genghis Khan was captured as a young man by Byzantine traders and Christianized. Our staid linguist protagonist Joe decides to have some fun and launches on an historical power trip. Using relay satellites within Mercury’s orbit which send messages back in time, he inspires Khan to become a Christian conqueror against the approaching Moslems. The consequences are left to the reader’s imagination making this a peculiarly underdeveloped alternate history. Still, it was interesting.
“The Old Man and C”, Shelia Finch — An alternate history which presupposes Albert Einstein took up the violin instead of physics. (The title is a nice
Alternate Warriors
Current Research in Speculative Fiction 2025 15th Annual Conference
About the Conference
- When: July 3rd & 4th 2025
- Venue: University of Liverpool (Hybrid)
- Call for Papers
All bodies are, in some sense; engines driven by the health or disease of their owners, jackets of flesh that are the physical sum of their wearers. But to become your disease? To become the consumption itself? (Kathe Koja, The Cipher)
That's how the madness of the world tries to colonize you: from the outside in, forcing you to live in its reality. (Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation)
Authors of speculative fiction operate in spaces beyond the ordinary limits of art, exploring not just our reality but the otherwise inaccessible hypothetical realm of possibility, truth, and materiality. Not even conventions of genre are safe from the ever-blurring motley of speculative fiction's desire to always mutate, change, and transgress. With SF, constant boundaries are crossed: the inter