Sidney sheldon s best novel 2017
Master of the Game
DO NoT read Master of the Game by Sydney Sheldon. Just don't. There is not a likeable character in the book. Okay, there's one, but he's a VERY minor character. Banda is a black man living in South Africa in the early part of the century, fighting for civil rights. He was cool, I would have hung out with him. Everyone else was a TOTAL ass-hat.
They're all manipulative, evil, conniving bitches. This one fucks a girl to get back at the girls father and gets her pregnant and refuses to marry her, even though she loves him and had ingenting to do with the original offense. That one ruins her only son's career as an artist to man him run their big global corporation and then convinces his wife to have childre
The Best Laid Plans - Rencana Paling Sempurna
There was the usual twist where things don't end up how you would expect. I was mildly surprised with this one but the problem was, it wasn't an "Ah! I've figured it out" moment. I was more like, "are you seriously expecting me to accept this?" It felt like he had cheated me with this story.
He spent a lot of space giving background information on minor characters and it seemed like he was just filling up space. Then at the end he gives some hastily compiled explanation for a character that was actually very central to the story. It just wasn't acceptable.
Now, for the third missing star. Dana. I was given the impression that
Hello everyone!
So here I am back with a book review that I read about a week ago but I haven’t been able to review it due to my current depressing state. But I would like to thank all who appeared with such generous and helpful comments on my last post and showed faith in me, ensured me, I’d be fine. And today, I finally wrote the review. Thank you so much everyone. It means a lot to me. I didn’t know I have so many caring people on my WordPress family. Lots of love to all of you.
Title: Nothing Lasts Forever
Author: Sidney Sheldon
Genre: Crime Medical Thriller
Publisher: William Morrow and Company
Publication Date: 1994
Nothing Lasts Forever is an American based crime medical novel that revolves around the life of three young women doctors, Paige Taylor, Kat Hunter, and Honey Taft, in Embarcadero Hospital in San Francisco. The book acquaints readers with the dominance of male doctors over women doctors in 20th century era. Besides that, it is a w