Gunther von haggen biography of michael jackson

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  • How did michael jackson die
  • 'Dr. Death' plans to plastinate King of Pop

    Shortly after the legendary pop underhållare was pronounced dead in Los Angeles, von Hagens released a statement revealing his anställda assistant had been contacted by an anonymous member of Jackson’s management grupp about plastination some six months ago.

    “During the phone conversation we were told about Michael Jackson’s interest to become plastinated after his death,” the statement said, adding Body Worlds did not confirm the King of Pop’s interest because the caller wished to remain anonymous and the body donation struktur is available online.

    The validity of the call “is soon to be seen,” the statement added.

    On Monday, Institute for Plastination press spokesperson Christiane Casott told The Local the organisation fryst vatten still awaiting confirmation the King of Pop wanted to become plastic.

    Von Hagens promised the late 50-year-old’s family that his body would be preserved through plastination for “a didactic eternity,” and would

  • gunther von haggen biography of michael jackson
  • Fact check: Michael Jackson plasticized?

    LOS ANGELES It seems almost too bizarre to be true, except the subject was the eccentric King of Pop, who also reportedly was interested in having his body cryogenically frozen in the hopes he could one day be brought back to life. Unknown at the time was the fact that Jackson had precious few days left to him.

    The Daily Star quoted an unnamed source who reportedly said Jackson was a fan of Dr. Gunther von Hagens, creator of the controversial Body Worlds exhibitions, seen by more than 27 million people around the world.

    Von Hagens developed a technique for preserving human bodies in plastic to display muscles, bones, internal organs and other parts of the human anatomy for educational purposes. Some critics have questioned whether it's ethical to put human corpses on public display.

    The Daily Star's unidentified source reportedly said Jackson was fascinated with new technologies to cheat aging, death and decomposition, and "he's defin

    Michael Jackson set to be embalmed at the O2 Centre after missing the deadline for cryogenic freezing

    Michael Jackson will live on as a 'plastinated' creature preserved by German doctor Gunther von Hagens.

    Von Hagens has caused controversy with everyone from the Pope to the chief rabbi in Israel with his practice of embalming corpses with preserving polyurethane.

    Yesterday, he declared: 'An agreement is in place to plastinate the King of Pop.'

    'An agreement is in place': German doctor Gunther von Hagens says he is to preserve the King of Pop with polyurethane

    Michael Jackson with his Chimpanzee Bubbles in 1991: Bubbles currently resides at the Body Worlds exhibit at the O2 Centre in London

    Von Hagens said that he spoke with representatives of the Jackson family 'many months ago' and it was agreed that his body will be plastinated and placed next to Bubbles, his late pet monkey who was plastinated a number of years ago and is exhibited at The Body Worlds & Mirro