Pierre bretonneau biography
Pierre Bretonneau
Pierre-Fidèle Bretonneau (n. 3 aprilie – d. ) a fost medicfrancez, cunoscut pentru realizarea cu succes a primei traheotomii (), distincția realizată între scarlatină și difterie (el a stabilit acest nume) (), descrierea febrei tifoide și pentru a fi susținut teoria germenilor (), teorie dezvoltată ulterior de către Louis Pasteur.
[modificare | modificare sursă]Contribuții
[modificare | modificare sursă]Legături externe
[modificare | modificare sursă]- ^ abPierre Bretonneau, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, accesat în
- ^ abcAutoritatea BnF, accesat în
- ^ abPierre Fidèle Bretonneau, Base biographique
- ^ abPierre Bretonneau, CERL Thesaurus, accesat în
- ^ ab, Pierre Fidèle Bretonneau, annuaire prosopographique: la France savante, accesat în
Pierre Bretonneau
French physician (–)
Pierre-Fidèle Bretonneau (3 April – 18 February ) was a French medical doctor.
[edit]Born in Saint-Georges-sur-Cher, in the Loir-et-Cherdépartement. His father was a surgeon. He studied with his uncle, the vicar at Chenonceaux (Indre-et-Loire) department along with the children of the Chenonceau château. Madame Dupin, the grandmother of George Sand, financed his medical studies in Paris.
He married Madame Dupin's lecturer and settled in Renaudière in Chenonceaux (the Renaudière is currently a restaurant and hotel). Very curious and clever, he had a laboratory at his disposal and occupied himself with gardening and other manual labours in his spare time.
He was the mayor of Chenonceaux from to He spent 15 years at Chenonceaux gaining experience, wrote his thesis in medicine in and then became medical director at the hospital in Tours; which currently bears his name. He continued his study of disease and founded the med
Pierre-Fidele Bretonneau
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