Dekanat uni mainz biography

  • Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology.
  • At the Faculty of History and Cultural Studies with four institutes, 18 specialized departments and more than 30 subjects, you can obtain the academic degrees.
  • Want to study at Faculty Biology of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz?
  • Dekanat Obernburg

    Das Dekanat Obernburg wurde am 1. Oktober dem Dekanat Miltenberg zugeschlagen. [1]

    Das Dekanat Obernburg ist eines von 20 Dekanaten[1] im römisch-katholischen Bistum Würzburg.

    Es umfasst den ehemaligen Landkreis Obernburg am Main und einige Gemeinden aus dem (Nordosten) des Altlandkreises Miltenberg, heute Landkreis Miltenberg. Es grenzt im Osten an das Dekanat Aschaffenburg-Ost, im Süden an das Dekanat Miltenberg, im Westen an das Bistum Mainz und im Norden an das Dekanat Aschaffenburg-West und Dekanat Aschaffenburg-Stadt.

    Achtzehn Pfarrgemeinden und vier Kuratien haben sich bis zu neun Pfarreiengemeinschaften[2] zusammengeschlossen. Die Pfarreien St. Laurentius Sommerau mit der Filiale Mariä Heimsuchung Hobbach und St. NikolausWörth am Main bleiben Einzelpfarreien.

    Dekan ist Markus Lang, koordinierender Pfarrer der Pfarreiengemeinschaft Christi Himmelfahrt, Kleinwallstadt. Verwaltungssitz ist Kleinwallstadt.[3]


    At the Faculty of History and Cultural Studies with four institutes, 18 specialized departments and more than 30 subjects, you can obtain the academic degrees Bachelor of Arts/Education (B.A./), Master of Arts/Education (M.A./) and the doctor philosophiae (Dr. phil.). Between the first semester and the academic graduation ceremony, 37 professors and more than members of staff supervise the students in their teaching.

    New media, subject-specific departmental libraries, archives and collections, as well as the extensive and centrally located university library provide access to current and fundamental research. The institutes engage in interdisciplinary exchange and close cooperation with internationally renowned institutions such as the Leibniz Institute for Archaeology (LEIZA) as the successor institution to the former Roman-Germanic Central Museum, the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz (AdW), the Institute for Historical Reg

  • dekanat uni mainz biography
  • Dean&#;s Office of the Faculty

    Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

    Professorin Dr. Heike Grieser (Early Church History and Patristics)
    kath-&#;&#;kana&#;@un&#;-mai&#;z.d&#;; Phone: +49 ; Room ,
    Address of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
    Office hours: see postings,and by arrangement

    Vice Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

    Professor Dr. Konrad Huber (New Testament)
    ka&#;h-deka&#;at@uni-&#;ainz.&#;&#;; Phone: +49 ; Room ,
    Address of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
    Office hours: see postings,and by arrangement

    Head of the Dean's Office

    Dr. Uwe Glüsenkamp
    kat&#;-dekana&#;@uni-&#;ainz.d&#;; Phone: +49 ; Room ,
    Address of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
    Office hours: Monday - Friday a.m. - p.m.