Joetta maue biography samples
The Conflict of Desire
The thesis and body of work that culminates in Lovely could not have been possible without the support of the many people who have provided me with their guidance and encouragement. Foremost are the faculty of the University of Massachusetts Art Department whom I've had the pleasure and privilege of working with these last 3 years. My deepest gratitude goes to my thesis committee; Susan Jahoda, whose challenge and encouragement have been invaluable, Jerry Kearns for his constant belief in me, Shona MacDonald for her honesty and openness, and Jeremy Boyle for expanding my way of thinking. Their generosity, guidance, and honesty have helped me to grow as an artist and individual.
Additionally, I thank my family whom has celebrated my uniqueness and individuality without fail and who give me the strength and courage to do and be whom I want. I thank my dear friend Hilary, who reminds me of who I really am, deep down, even when I forget. Muc
I have mentioned the work of Louise Riley here before... the first time I ever saw her work I loved it. Obviously I love her scale and subject matter but her technique of using the thread and it natural qualities is awesome.
Once I interviewedher I liked her even more and then when I read her bio in the PUSH bookI knew that if we lived on the same side of the pond we would connect. Just a sample of the bio...
"She is fascinated by people's thorny path, that mystifying drive to survive. Her work is...domestic wonderlands."
Buythe book to read the entire thing.
Anyway the above work is a new piece of Louise's that is in her current exhibit.So if you are on that side of the pond go see it. And for those of you not enjoy it from afar.
Lion Brand New Fiber Artist Joetta Maue
I used to always teach people how to knit by giving them bulky yarn, teach the knit cast on and have them knit a scarf (like this garter stitch scarf). That’s still a great first project, but I acknowledge people might get bored knitting all that garter stitch before they can say they’ve finished their first knitting project. Plus they might not want to wear something that comes out a little wonky, as first knitting projects often do.
These days I’m more likely to recommend a garter stitch washcloth to a new knitter.
Washcloths are usually made with medium weight cotton yarn, which is one of the easiest yarns to find at big box stores and craft stores, and it’s usually inexpensive and comes in lots of fun colors. You only need one ball of yarn and one pair of needles to man one, so there’s not a lot of outlay in terms of supplies.
Everyone can use washcloths, and even if you drop stitches, add stitches, have