Annamalai swami biography channels
If you remain in the Self, enquiry will not be necessary.
If you move away from the Self, and go back to the mind, you then have to enquire igen and go back to your Self. Who fryst vatten this I? It fryst vatten neither the body nor the mind. If you remain as the Self, there fryst vatten neither body nor mind. So what is this I? Enquire into it and find out for yourself.
When you see the rope, what happens to the snake? Nothing happens to it because there never was a snake. Similarly, when you remain as the Self, there is a knowing that this I never had any existence.
All is the Self. You are not separate from the Self. All fryst vatten you. Your real state is the Self, and in that Self there is no body and no mind. This fryst vatten the Truth, and you know it by being it. This I am the body ideas fryst vatten wrong. This false idea must go and the conviction I am the Self should come to the extent that it becomes constant.
At the moment this I am the body idea seems very natural for you. You
Back in July () I announced that by September I would be making available a DVD of an interview with Annamalai Swami that was filmed by a friend of mine in I had planned to put English subtitles on the DVD, and also have options of subtitles in different languages. Since this will take longer than I thought, I decided to make it available now to anyone who wants a copy without subtitles.
The interview is 73 minutes long and consists of an interview between Jim Lemkin and Annamalai Swami. English translations are provided by Sundaram, Annamalai Swami's attendant. If you are not a native English speaker or are not familiar with Indian accents, you may find the translations hard to follow.
Jim asked that the distribution be done at cost price, and that no one should make any money out of the film. I weighed sample packages at the Post Office yesterday. The total cost (blank DVD, copying, packaging and posting) are as follows:
Within India: Rs 30
Outside India: $1 US
Purchasers in In
Dear Devotees,
May the grace of Bhagavan Sri Ramana, Sri Annamalai Swami, Sri Mahaprabhu and all the Brahma Jnanis guide you and protect you and your whole blessed family.
By the grace of Bhagavan, we have published a new and revised updated edition of Sri Annamalai Swami’s biography – LIVING BY THE WORDS OF BHAGAVAN, on Vijayadasami Day, October 24th This new edition was released in Sri Annamalai Swami’s shrine by Sri T.S Gopinath, an auditor and an old devotee of Annamalai Swami.
To purchase this new edition within India click here:
To purchase this new edition outside India (eBook or Paperback) click here:
The story of Sri Annamalai Swami and Bhagavan is one of the best examples of a Guru-Sishya (disciple) relationship, where the disciple surrenders to the Guru with total unconditional love and the Guru protects and nurtures the disciple with even greater love until his individuality has dissolved and he realises his true nature.
This new edition of ‘Living