Radio arvila 2015 tsipras biography

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  • TragedyMachine(s): Performances of Power and Resistance in Indebted Greece

    Title of Dissertation: TRAGEDYMACHINE(S): PERFORMANCES OF POWER AND RESISTANCE IN INDEBTED GREECE Christina Banalopoulou, Doctor of Philosophy, Dissertation directed by: Dr. James Harding, School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies TragedyMachine(s): Performances of Power and Resistance in Indebted Greece looks at the negotiations between Greece and its international creditors, street protests and demonstrations, refugee camps, and theatre productions in Greece within the larger context of the 21 century European debt-economy. Building upon Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s works on Nietzsche’s notion of tragedy, it introduces a concept of tragedy valid in contemporary frames of European neoliberalism. TragedyMachine(s) argues that the relations between Greece and its international creditors are non-resolvable power relations between a creditor and a debtor, hidden beneath the appearance and seem

  • radio arvila 2015 tsipras biography
  • List of radio stations in Greece

    Frequency Name On air since Description &#;MHzKriti FM 87,5 1 January Music of Crete (ex. Radio Megalonisos and Kriti FM ) &#;MHzEn Lefko 87,7 Alternative rock (formerly broadcast on – ex. Rodon FM, OCH!, Radio 5) &#;MHzMenta 88 FM 2 December Greekéntekhno music (ex. Oasis FM, Virgin, Ixos FM, Difono , Galaxias FM, Super FM) &#;MHzAktina Greeklaïko music (ex. Meraki, Penies, Next FM, Aktina & – merge with VFM, ex. Village, Klik) &#;MHz 31 October Children's music (ex. Legend, News Radio, Panda, UP, Follow, NRJ, Fresh, John Greek, Polis, Ellada) &#;MHzHiT Radio Foreign pop and rock music (ex. Freedom Radio, Play FM, Freedom Radio, Angel FM, Jeronimo Groovy) &#;MHzMusic Radio 89,2 7 June Foreign music (ex. Arrena, Kefi, Sportime, Champions, Metropolis, Alpha Sports – formerly on ) &#;MHzEcclesia tis Ellados 19 February National; Orthodox rel

    Daniel M. Knight | Wit and Greece&#;s Economic Crisis: Ironic Slogans, Food, and Austerity Sentiments

    Interview by AE editorial intern Deniz Daser (Rutgers University), June

    In his May article in American Ethnologist, “Wit and Greece’s economic crisis: Ironic slogans, food, and antiausterity sentiments,” Daniel M. Knight shows how the lived experience of individuals complicates media depictions of Greece as the “problem child” of Europe.

    Knight draws on long-term ethnographic research on temporality, historical consciousness, and economic relations in the område of western Thessaly to examine how in the wake of the financial crisis Greeks interpret and resist austerity measures through the deployment of ironic slogans. These slogans reference resonant themes of food and historical periods of collective suffering in beställning to kritisera political elites’ neoliberal policies. Such satirical forms become sites of resistance and solidarity that reframe relations between local pe