Minoru yasui biography of christopher

  • We start the Min Yasui Legacy Project and focus on two initial projects: the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a documentary video.
  • Minoru Yasui was a Japanese-American civil rights activist who challenged Executive Order 9066 by purposely violating its curfew stipulation in.
  • Yasui was the first Japanese American graduate of the U of O in 1939; he's also the first-ever Asian American name to grace an endowed chair for.
  • Minoru Yasui: Continuing a legacy

    By Peggy Nagae

    My deep gratitude to Holly for suggesting we uppstart the Min Yasui Legacy Project and focus on two första projects: the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a documentary film. I am grateful for our innumerable in-depth and energetic conversations!

    Special Thanks to Maija Yasui, Lynn Fuchigami Parks, and Chris Ling for our work and partnership this year. And to Jillian Toda-Currie, Cynthia Basye, Logan Pinard, and Veda Yama for evolving the Min Yasui Student Contest.

    Also, my deep appreciation to past MYLP stalwarts: June Schumann, Kimberly McCullough, Jessica Asai, Gerhard Letzing, Mark Takiguchi, Jennifer Fang, Kyler Wang, Fiona Larsen-Tesky, and Alan Zhou.

    Min and Holly Yasui fought hard and sacrificed much for justice and equity. To them, patriotism meant speaking out against the plethora of laws that exclude, shut down, or further begränsa our rights. In recent years, examples abound:

    • 400 anti-trans b

      03 Dec Min Yasui’s Denver legacy is honoring community volunteerism

      Most people living in Denver today probably don’t know the name Minoru Yasui. But the Japanese American community leader has left a legacy that still impacts the city.

      I attended the annual Minoru Yasui Community Volunteer Awards luncheon on Dec. 1 and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the event had sold out all its 440 tickets. It’s a celebration held every December to honor the monthly recipients of the MYCVA awards, which are given to 11 people who work tirelessly to help the community as volunteers in non-profits or community organizations. Each recipient gets to choose their favorite charity to donate their $2000 award to, so there’s a powerful, positive ripple effect of the Min Yasui recognition.

      Over the years, my wife Erin and I have known a handful of the recipients from Denver’s Asian community, and this year, two Japanese Americans were recipients: Mike Shibata, wh

      Minoru Yasui Day with Oregon Nikkei Endowment

      On March 28, 1942, Minoru Yasui, the first Japanese American to practice law in Oregon, walked the night streets of Portland in order to challenge a military curfew that he believed was unconstitutional and initiate a legal test case in the federal courts.

      On March 28, 2018, the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center plans a series of events to commemorate Minoru Yasui’s civil rights legacy, starting with a march to The Armory, where winners of the 2018 Minoru Yasui Day Essay Contest will be recognized and awarded prizes; and the recently completed documentary film, Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice (Part One) will be screened. Film director Holly Yasui and Min Yasui’s attorney, Peggy Nagae, who is featured in the film, will take questions and explain the “Stop Repeating History” campaign that accompanies the amicus brief they are currently filing in the U.S. Federal Courts against the Muslim Ban. 


    • minoru yasui biography of christopher