Autobiographical stories
How to Tell an Autobiographical Story
Ive been thinking a lot about my WIP, and its got me to thinking about the process. For that reason, Im going to be sharing how to tell an autobiographical story.
Original photo by Nicole Honeywill
Now, Im not here to define what an autobiographical story is. There is so much nitpicking around the topic that I could dedicate a whole post or seven to it. But for my purposes, Im defining autobiographical story as a fictional story thats inspired by events that actually happened in my life.
Yes. This is broad.
Yes. This means that The Lord of the Rings trilogy is actually an autobiographical story inspired by Tolkiens service in the British Army during WWI.
Maybe you think I should just call this a Roman á clef, and maybe I should. But also, I dont want to.
Look. Im the one who owns this blog, so I get to say what I want. Im sure that you have a different definition, as do the 18 other writers whose blogs
Most-Read Biographical & Autobiographical Books
Reading is not just a hobby but a way of life for some. Not all books and themes appeal to everyone for sure but we can say that biography and autobiography are genres that are the favorite of and read by many.
What makes these genres favorite of many is that they are based on true life stories. Such life stories can inspire, and make one to witness the past. The biographical and autobiographical books also make it possible to enjoy the pleasure and excitement of witnessing closely the lives of various important people in Turkey and around the world. Here are the most-read biographical and autobiographical books for those who wonder…
Examples of Inspiring Biographical and Autobiographical Books
Latife Hanim / Ipek Calislar
Telling about the life and educational background of Mrs. Latife, who represents an intellectual and educated woman, in depth, this book enables the reader to witne
Writing a Novel Inspired bygd Your Life? The Dos and Donts of Writing Autobiographical Fiction
Are you writing autobiographical fiction?
Recently I heard back from a literary agent who had requested my full manuscript: an upper mittpunkt grade contemporary that inom wrote after reading some of my adolescent diaries. Heres part of what the agent said:
I was seriously getting flashbacks to my first relationshipsdating in eighth/ninth grade was SO AWKWARD! You absolutely nail that in this story. inom like the set-up a lot in terms of the characters, dynamics, and the unfolding dilemma. However, Im afraid it began to feel a little too mired in the reality of eighth grade (the back-and-forth wondering, highs and lows of the day) and thus a little slow pacing-wise.
When I read the email to my husband, he said, so she didnt like it because it was too realistic?
Yes, this is one of the problems with writing autobiographical fiction. Sometimes its hard to d