Bewijs wet van pythagoras biography

  • Pythagoras philosophy quotes
  • Pythagoras beliefs
  • Pythagorean philosophy of numbers
  • Ionia Metapontum: BCE BCE

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    Pythagoras was an influential ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician from Samos who founded the Pythagorean brotherhood in Croton, Italy in the 6th century BCE. While Pythagoras himself wrote nothing and it is difficult to distinguish his teachings from those of his followers, he is generally credited with discovering numerical ratios that determine musical intervals and the Pythagorean theorem. Pythagoras taught that numbers and numerical ratios governed the cosmos and all things could be explained through mathematics.


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    36 views3 pages
    Pythagoras was an influential ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician from Samos who founded the Pythagorean brotherhood in Croton, Italy in the 6th century BCE. While Pythagoras himself wrote nothing
  • bewijs wet van pythagoras biography
  • 4.Aristoxenus’ Biographical Method

    Schorn, Stefan. "4.Aristoxenus’ Biographical Method". Studien zur hellenistischen Biographie und Historiographie, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2018, pp. 107-148.

    Schorn, S. (2018). 4.Aristoxenus’ Biographical Method. In Studien zur hellenistischen Biographie und Historiographie (pp. 107-148). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.

    Schorn, S. 2018. 4.Aristoxenus’ Biographical Method. Studien zur hellenistischen Biographie und Historiographie. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 107-148.

    Schorn, Stefan. "4.Aristoxenus’ Biographical Method" In Studien zur hellenistischen Biographie und Historiographie, 107-148. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.

    Schorn S. 4.Aristoxenus’ Biographical Method. In: Studien zur hellenistischen Biographie und Historiographie. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2018. p


    1. The Philosophy of Pythagoras

    See the entry on Pythagoras.

    2. The Most Prominent Pythagoreans of the Fifth and Fourth Century

    2.1 Philolaus

    See the entry on Philolaus.

    2.2 Eurytus

    In the ancient sources, Eurytus fryst vatten most frequently mentioned in the same breath as Philolaus, and he fryst vatten probably the student of Philolaus (Iamblichus, VP 148, 139). Aristoxenus (4th c. BCE) presents Philolaus and Eurytus as the teachers of the last generation of Pythagoreans (Diogenes Laertius VIII 46) and Diogenes Laertius reports that Plato came to Italy to meet Philolaus and Eurytus after the death of Socrates (III 46). In order to be the pupil of Philolaus, who was born around 470, and teach the gods generation of Pythagoreans around 400, Eurytus would need to be born between 450 and 440. The sources are very confused as to which S. Italian city he was from, Croton (Iamblichus, VP 148), Tarentum (Iamblichus, VP 267; Diogenes Laertius VIII 46) or Metapontum (Iamblichus,