Philip van munching biography channel
A Beer History: A Day At A Time Through The Year
Gregg Smith / Soft Cover / Pages /
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A Simple Story of the Origin and Unprecedented Growth of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, (Reprint)
Soft Cover / 34 Pages / (
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Ale Master: How I Pioneered America's Craft Brewing Industry, Opened the First Brewpub, Bucked Trends, and Enjoyed Every Minute of It
Bert Grant, with Robert Spector / Soft Cover / Pages /
Our Price: $ (You save 52%)
Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer (Hard Cover)
Maureen Ogle / Hard Cover / Pages /
Our Price: $ (You save 70%)
Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer (Paperback)
Maureen Ogle / Soft Cover / Pages /
Our Price: $ (You save 20%)
Anheuser-Busch Cookbook: Great Food, Great Beer
Soft Cover / Pages /
Our Price: $ (You save 20%)
Anheuser-Busch, The King's Reign: The History of the Brewery in St. Louis
Bob Buchanan and Jean Rose / Hard Cov
Ambitious Brew: The Story of American Beer
By Maureen Ogle
Harcourt, pages, $25
The Gilded Age, as Mark Twain so aptly described the latter decades of the 19th Century, will always be remembered as a period of great entrepreneurship, but also one of bloated corruption; as the heyday of exploitative robber barons, but also the era when America’s oil, transportation and banking infrastructures were laid down, the very foundations upon which the capitalist dynamo of the 20th Century would rise.
It is in this rollicking but morally troubled setting that Maureen Ogle begins “Ambitious Brew,” her history of the beer business in the U.S. As Ogle shows, the rise of the great breweries in amerika paralleled the other great businesses of the new industrial age and, she argues, reflected the adventurous spirit of the times.
The rise of beer as a business and as a drink was fueled by immigrant moxie and accelerated bygd mechanization. Gilded Age Americans, Ogle explains, &l
Dating guides share helpful tips for getting lucky in love
Just in time for February 14, publishers are releasing scads of dating advice books promising a one-way ticket to relationship bliss. But in the sea of books with snappy titles, how to discover which one is best for you? And how long before the author brings forth the inevitable nugget of wisdom from "Sex and the City"? Read on to find out.
The Book: A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend: For Every Guy Who Wants to Be One, for Every Girl Who Wants to Build One
The Authors: Actress Felicity Huffman is best known for playing working mom Lynette on "Desperate Housewives"; Patricia Wolff is a playwright. Both are hilarious.
The Hook: This is a relationship book for guys, and it has the vintage-style noir illustrations to prove it.
Who Should Buy: Those who look for laughs with their relationship advice. But lets face it: This book may be "for the boyfriend," but women will be