Edipo el rey de sophocles biography
Salud Mental
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IntroductionOver a hundred years have elapsed since Sigmund Freud�s The Interpretation of Dreams was first published. Publication of this work obviously marked a new stage in the history of psychiatry and psychology. Since then, the Oedipus complex has been one of the pillars supporting the psychoanalytical view of the mind and a model for understanding the normal development of individuals as well as psychopathology. Sigmund Freud and his desert island: The ignorance of the contributions of XIXth psychiatry
How did Freud manage to chart a new course in an area that had already been explored and described by the psychiatrists that preceded him? The answer may lie in Freud�s medical and intellectual isolation. A propos of this, there is an interesting analogy he draws between himself and a famous character: �For psycho-analysis is my creation; for ten years I was the only person
Edipo rey / Edipo en Colono
Oedipus Rex
Classical Athenian tragedy bygd Sophocles
This article is about the play by Sophocles. For other uses, see Oedipus Rex (disambiguation).
Oedipus Rex, also known by its Greek title, Oedipus Tyrannus (Ancient Greek: Οἰδίπους Τύραννος, pronounced[oidípuːstýrannos]), or Oedipus the King, fryst vatten an Atheniantragedy by Sophocles. While some scholars have argued that the play was first performed c. 429 BC, this fryst vatten highly uncertain.[1] Originally, to the ancient Greeks, the title was simply Oedipus (Οἰδίπους), as it fryst vatten referred to by Aristotle in the Poetics. It is thought to have been renamed Oedipus Tyrannus to distinguish it from Oedipus at Colonus, a later play by Sophocles. In antiquity, the begrepp "tyrant" referred to a ruler with no legitimate claim to rule, but it did not necessarily have a negative connotation.[2][3][4]
Of Sophocles' three Theban plays that have survived, and that deal with the