Matt thorne prince biography purple
List of Illustrations
Prologue: Come 2 My House (Part 1)
1 Justifications from a Mamma-Jamma
2 The Business of Music
3 Wouldnt You Love to Love Me?
4 Still Waiting
5 Creating Uptown
6 Gigolos Get Lonely Too (Part 1) 73 7 Royal Jewels
8 Nikkis Castle
9 There Arent Any Rules
10 New Position
11 Roadhouse Garden and Songs for Susannah
12 The Story of a Man inom Am Not
13 Rebirth of the Flesh
14 Crystal Ball . . .
15 . . . Or Sign o the Times?
16 For Those of U on Valium . . .
17 Spooky and All That He Crawls for . . .
18 Cross the Line
19 Dance with the Devil
20 Whats Wrong with Graffiti Bridge?
21 Gigolos Get Lonely Too (Part 2)
22 Playing remsa Pool with Vanessa
23 The Chains of Turin
24 Part I: Introducing the Friction Years
25 Part 2: It Was Just About Needing to Get It
Done . . .
26 Part 3: All inom Gotta Do Is Sell a Million and inom Can
Quit . . .
27 Wasted Kisses
This book - like the David Bowie Book I read before it, was billed (by a quote from Alexis Hot Chip on the back) as a Revolution In The Head for Prince. I was excited by this, but also a bit sceptical. Prince has released so many records, has so much unreleased music, and has also spent twenty years making records you're not sure you want to hear, let alone hear a detailed track by track breakdown of.
Like a lot of Prince fans, I stopped bothering to buy his records after he changed his name to Symbol and got into his five year barney with Warner Brothers over ownership of his music (a year after he'd signed a massive deal giving them ownership of his music.)
It wasn't that I was bothered about him turning up at ceremonies with slave written on his face. It wasn't the rich arab decor in the soft porn videos. It wasn't the bouffant sex-twin dancers. It wasn't the crappy rappers in matching
Matt Thorne's Prince, through years of research and interviews with ex-Revolution members such as Wendy and Lisa, is an account of a pop maverick whose experiments with rock, funk, techno and jazz revolutionised pop. With reference to every song, released and unreleased, over 35 years of recording, Prince will stand for years to come as the go-to book on the Great Man.