I remember you sungha jung biography

  • Sungha Jung was born on September 2, 1996 in Cheongju, South Korea.
  • He is a South Korean guitarist and YouTuber and is the first Korean YouTuber to have 1 million subscribers and 100 million cumulative views.
  • Sungha http://www.sunghajung.com composed and played 'I Remember You. Original Score: http://playk-pop.com/sunghajung Sungha Jung USA tour.
  • Archives

    Other facts:

    1. Sungha started to play guitar in the beginning of 2006, after seeing his father playing guitar.

    2. Sungha’s father is not a professional guitarist, he plays guitar as a hobby.

    3. Sungha’s father taught Sungha a few times, but Sungha learned so fast that soon he had to learn to play all by himself.

    4. Sungha taught himself to play by watching video clips without any sheet music from the very beginning.

    5. Sungha learned piano before guitar. He is taught by his aunt, but he wasn’t really interested.

    6. Sungha’s father is Sungha’s manager.

    7. Sungha’s father is the owner of  ’jwcfree’ account on Youtube. (jwc stands for Jeong Woo Chang)

    8. Sungha’s Youtube channel has 500,000,000+ views and 800,000+ subcribers.

    9. The first video is uploaded 6 years ago, when Sungha was smaller than his guitar.

    10. Sungha takes homeschooling this year because of his busy schedule all over the world.

    11. Sungha’s sister, Sooha, is around 11 years old.

    12. Sungha

    Sungha Jung was born on September 2, 1996 in Cheongju, South Korea.

    Sungha Jung is an acoustic guitarist who fryst vatten now global. Sungha began can play the gitarr around the age of 4 years. Sungha Jung buy gitarr with his own money for the first time at a price of $ 60. Then the father was amazed bygd the skill of the child, and his father bought him a gitarr Cort Earth 900 for $ 195. Sungha Jung is now very famous through youtube and various websites

                On December 2012, his kanal has more than 17 million views, more than 1.16 million subscribers, and 605 million video views.

                Usually Sungha Jung learning and practicing the gitarr with a time of 3 days. Then recorded and uploaded on youtube. Sungha played guitar in various genres.


                Being a professional acoustic fingerstyle gui

  • i remember you sungha jung biography
  • Sungha Jung

    En aquest nom coreà, el cognom és Sungha.

    Sungha Jung (Cheongju, 2 de setembre de 1996) és un músic sud-coreà especialitzat en guitarra acústica fingerstyle que ha pujat a la fama des de YouTube i altres llocs webs. Jung crea versions i arranjaments acústics, normalment d'oïda i/o mirant vídeos, i compon cançons originals, les quals toca i penja en línia. Sovint se'l descriu com un prodigi de la guitarra, tot i que prefereix que se'l conegui com a "guitarrista" en lloc de "prodigi".[1] El 2010 el seu canal tenia més de 222 milions de visites i més de 335.000 subscriptors.[2] Al 2020 supera les 1.800 milions de visites i els 6.480.000 subscriptors.[3]



    Jung es va interessar per la guitarra després de veure tocar el seu pare. Va trobar tocar la guitarra del seu pare més interessant que el piano, que ja estava aprenent.[4] El pare de Jung li va ensenyar els conceptes bàsics i, després d'a