Negaranya idi amin biography

  • Yoweri Kaguta Museveni adalah Presiden Uganda sejak 29 Januari 1986.
  • Join grassroots women activists to build a broad movement for a just and sustainable future.
  • He was elected with Vice President Jusuf Kalla in the 2014 presidential election and again became president on April 17, 2019.
  • Templat:Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah/Januari

    |1 Januari= 1 Januari: Hari Tahun Baru (kalender Gregorius); Hari Kemerdekaan di Brunei (1984) dan Haiti (1804); Hari Domain Publik.

    Tanggal lain: 31 Desember –1 Januari –2 Januari

    Kirim via surelDaftar tanggalUlang tahun

    Hari ini tanggal 22 månad 2025 (UTC) – Muat ulang

    |2 Januari= 2 Januari: Bumi di Perihelion (20:51 WIB, 2021); Hari perayaanGregorius dari Nazianzus (Gereja Katolik Roma)

    Tanggal lain: 1 Januari –2 Januari –3 Januari

    Kirim via surelDaftar tanggalUlang tahun

    Hari ini tanggal 22 Februari 2025 (UTC) – Muat ulang

    |3 Januari= 3 Januari

    Tanggal lain: 2 Januari –3 Januari –4 Januari

    Kirim via surelDaftar tanggalUlang tahun

    Hari ini tanggal 22 månad 2025 (UTC) – Muat ulang

    |4 Januari= 4 Januari: Hari Kemerdekaan di Myanmar (1948)

    Tanggal lain: 3 Januari 

    “We must involve the bosses. We can not move without them. The bosses are our partners. Many of them are just victims of the system too. Most of the employers mean well. All we need to do is raise their awareness and they will be ok. We did a workshop with some of the most senior bosses last year, just one workshop. And I remember two of them standing up and saying, ‘This workshop has been a real eye opener to the suffering endured by the workers. We did not know that running sweatshops, under paying workers, and sexual harassment of female workers is wrong. We really did not know. We will change from this minute on. You can count on us.’ Since that discussion, we now have so many employers on our shop floor committees. One is even the chairperson of my equal wages sub-committee. Another provides counseling to women who are sexually harassed.”

    Can you imagine this testimony coming from the head of any trade union movement? Anywhere in the world? Substitute workers and trade unions

    A Kadir Jasin

    [ANONYMOUS comments with not be entertained. When commenting, your real identity is preferred. But a suitable pseudonym is accepted. If you have to use anonymous, please print your name or pen name at the bottom of your message. Please avoid seditious, defamatory and libelous statements. Unrelated comments will not be given priority.]

    [Updated Version -- Dec. 10]

    A word of caution. I noticed that some debaters are getting a tat too emotional, a tat too racist and a tat too provocative. Please be more rational otherwise I may be forced to rejects more of such comments or close debate on this topic altogether. Thank You.

    [Original Post]

    good that the Malaysian Hindus have brought their alleged marginalisation to the Queen of England because their plight, as they have alleged, started with the semi-slavery of the indentured Indian workers by the British Empire.

    Portraying the Malays as lazy natives and condemning them to the subsistence economy of the v
  • negaranya idi amin biography